The Plan #2
Went jogging yesterday: 2,5 km, 22 minutes and a pulse of 163.
Labels: runner wannabe
posted by Nadezhda
| 12:39
Went jogging yesterday: 2,5 km, 22 minutes and a pulse of 163.
Labels: runner wannabe
Bo said...
Good news indeed. I am having some success with running lately myself as well. Let's make a deal: onwards and upwards.
Nadezhda said...
I'm certainly planning on doing more. I was totaly devasted to find out how little I can still do. I'm going running tomorrow as well and was on Šmarna Gora on Wednesday.
Anonymous said...
I still don't know anything about the pulse - what's the best pulse to have while running, doing sports? Where to get more news? I run, I measure time only, but I'm interested in pulse as well...
Nadezhda said...
Well, my heart frequency (pulse) is still a bit high. Normally it should be about 158, since I was running rather slowly. But taking into account that it's been a long while since I was running regularly, I understand that my pulse is still a bit high and will lower with time and practice.
There is no sure way to tell you what your pulse rate should be. The 220 minus your age isn't reliable, since pulse rate depends on how well trained you are and whether you have a higher heart frequency while sitting or a lower one. When I had iron defficiency I had very high pulse rate (about 175- 180 was normal for me). When I started ingesting more iron, the frequency fell. You'd have to go to a fitness centre and ask them to measure your maximal pulse and then they can calculate what your ideal pulse rate for regular exercise should be.
Anonymous said...
Hvala :) Ker ne vem, kako ej to v ang., me zanima, če imaš tisto napravo, ki meri srčni utrip? In če kaj veš, ali so zanesljive?
Nadezhda said...
Sama uporabljam Polarja. Ta proizvajalec trdi, da imajo njihove naprave natančnost EKGja, sama pa je nisem nikoli preverjala. Zdi se mi kar realno, ker sem sebi pulz merila tudi s tujimi Polarji in mi je vedno pokazalo precej visok pulz (med aktivnostjo). Torej so zanesljivi.
Nobene potrebe pa ni, da bi kupovala najdražjega. Če ti zadostuje samo štoparica in pulz ter izračunan povprečni pulz, kupi najpreprostejši model. Napravi pa se reče merilec srčnega utripa, nekateri pravijo kar Polar. :)
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