Thursday, April 26, 2007

On with the show

I've just completed my first half hour of pilates and I must say that the stuff really works. It's not too difficult for me (having done ballet and floor barre), but I like the fact that it doesn't take up much space and I can do it in my tiny room.

I'm following a 25 minute video workout where a theraband/resistaband is used and the pace is really slow. Once I memorize all the combinations and exercises, I'll be doing everything twice in the same amount of time - it's that slow! But anyhow - I do feel my abdominals a bit now. Now on to 120 crunches&sit ups. (I feel a bit guilty and am making up for not having gone jogging yesterday as I had planned.)


posted by Nadezhda | 14:44


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you must shag like a minx.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last PE lesson we did pilates as every student has to make a presentation of one sport or something. I liked it very much, because the effect on body is felt very soon. It reminds me a bit of yoga - breathing and some exercises are familiar. I'd like to practice it at home as I don't have enough time (and money) for studios. I need to see someone perform the exercises so that I'm sure abut what I'm doing.

Blogger Nadezhda said...

Austin - does P. stand for Powers, Austin Powers?

Belgothiel - pilates doesn't remind me in the least bit of yoga, it reminds me of floor barre and that is similar to ballet. I could swear to God that J.Pilates downright copied some of the combinations from ballet. From what little yoga I did, I never liked it excessively and I never felt much effect afterwards.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh ok, it's just that I tried three of pilates' exercices so I can't really know. Floor barre? I wish I knew more about ballet. Some of the things I do know are from "Baletkini copatki" books...

Blogger Nadezhda said...

What you can read in "Baletni copatki" is how ballet was done 40 years ago. Some things are still the same, but much has changed.

I didn't mean to criticize you; it's apparent anough that our experiences differ. :) Just - knowing floor barre, I think pilates is highly reminiscent of it.

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