Thursday, April 19, 2007

Today's lesson

Despite being a known ballet enthusiast, it's been ages since I've seen a ballet performed by Slovenian dancers. In short: I grew tired of waiting to see something that's worth my time and money. Compared to what I see in companies abroad, we're a billion light years behind.

When I see a Slovenian dancer perform something like this (see the video below) I might reconsider my position. Until then no Slovenian ballet company is getting any of my money. (And don't tell me technique isn't everything. You're right, it isn't. But it's the foundation for everything else.)

This coda (part of a pas de deux) is from Swan Lake, 3rd act. In this part a witch Odile (conspiring together with evil Rothbart) in her black costume is trying to persuade prince Siegfried that she is indeed the swan princess he fell in love with at the lake. To totally convince him, she does a series of tricks, including this series of 32 turns, called fouettes. The dancer, Gillian Murphy, does more as at times she does triple and quadruple turns instead of one.

This is a video of the last part of this pas de deux, a dance for two. Please note that towards the end, Siegfried (in white tights - hope you're enjoying yourself, Ambala :) wants to tell Odile that he loves her, but Rothbart (the funny looking guy in red) breaks him off and tells him he needs to swear to love Odile forever. As Siegfrid does so - he extends his arm and two fingers - he breaks the vow he gave earlier to the real swan princess Odette - in white, shown as a memory in the back. Odile and Rothbart - their mission accomplished - escape.


posted by Nadezhda | 13:37


Blogger ambala said...


LOL. Because of teh dancing though! :P

Blogger ambala said...

qaja pa se to: kera kompanija pa je to na sposnetku?

Blogger Nadezhda said...

Good! Gillian Murphy and Angel Corella are principals with ABT, American Ballet Theatre.

Blogger ambala said...

Aha. Se mi je zdelo ja. Po njeni strani... hvala!

Blogger Nadezhda said...

Ni za kaj. :)

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