Sunday, February 05, 2006

Having a boyfriend who snores...

... need not be a nasty business. Should the male in question produce soft, wheezing sounds, that would have been a lullaby to me. It is much to my displeasure that I find the sounds, produced by my snoring boyfriend, to be of quite the opposite quality. They (in the most ruthless manner imaginable) prevent me from falling asleep.

You might be thinking I'm a whiner, but you would be wrong. When I do fall asleep, I sleep with my eyes tightly shut and my ears completely insusceptible to outside sounds. Should a bomb explode under my bed, I couldn't care less. The difficult part, therefore, is actually falling asleep. For the last few years I've been rather a night owl; getting to bed at two a.m. (or later) and getting up when normal people have already had their lunch. Boyfriend is different. He can (and he does) fall asleep regardless of the time of the day. The moment we cuddle up and cover ourselves with the duvet, he falls asleep. Myself being rather inclined to having long monologues about the meaning of life (and other such important things) in the late hours does not help the matter.

(I am actually quite suspicious of this habit of his... "Don't you want to talk to me, honey? Is that the message you're trying to get across? Aren't you interested in my view of things?" I contemplate desperately. But this is beside the point.)

I am usually in the middle of one such long monologue, when the snoring starts. And then, only then, falling asleep suddenly morphs into mission impossible. So last night, getting really desperate, I whisper his name and - miraculously, like a divine magic revealing itself to me - he stops snoring. He stops and doesn't start again. (All right, he probably does, but by that time I was very much asleep.)

Naturally, such an occurrence is bound to arouse suspicion. If he really heard me, then he must have heard himself snoring. He knows I can't fall asleep when he snores, so why would he snore if he knew (heard) he was?
Should you be ignorant of the fact, let me enlighten you: relationships are complicated. Especially when one asks too many questions for her own good.

posted by Nadezhda | 10:12


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As always, technology provides us with an answer:


Sleep well!

Blogger Nadezhda said...

LOL. I have some ear plugs stashed somewhere in one of the drawers... Maybe it's time I put them to use... :)

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