Doubt the bump
Last week a bump formed on my lower jaw. It was painful, but I thought it would go away.
Because it was getting more and more sensitive and hurt more and more I decided to pay a visit to my dentist, as I thought it had something to do with my teeth. It didn't. My dentist was undecided on the matter and I got a referral. On Friday I went to see a specialist who declared I had adenitis and was advised to massage the bump with ice several times per day. And if it the bump doesn't subside by Friday I have to go back for biopsy. And then possibly face a more grave diagnosis.
I don't want to be pessimistic. And scared. But my neck started hurting more after Friday's visit to the specialist. I think it's only psychological.
But what if not? I feel fine, not wonderful, but I'll manage. And what if fine is not as healthy as I would like to believe it is?
If only the bump would go away...
Labels: medicine
Unknown said...
That sounds awful! I hope you get better soon (and your bump goes away)!
Lilit said...
Drzim pesti... :)
Nadezhda said...
Thanks, both of you. Although: the bump still firmly there.
Lilit said...
Is it not just a swollen lymph gland because your immune system dropped? It happens to me a lot during winter (because I have the cold almost all the time).
(I know it's summer, it's just an idea.)
Nadezhda said...
Lilit - for two weeks I was fine, but had this bump. My immune system might have dropped, but none of my other lymph glands were swollen, I didn't have a runny nose or a cough. Also: whenever I have a cold lymph glands in my neck become swollen, not on my jaw.
But today all my neck lymph glands have swollen considerably and I defnitely have a cold. I hope it's only a cold.
Nadezhda said...
I think I can't avoid that biopsy anymore, since the bump is still firmly there.
Anonymous said...
Did you go to biopsy today? Or, is the bump gone? We're curious :)
Nadezhda said...
Tina - yes, I did. First I went to see a dentist at the Clinic who decided to have another x-ray (in less than 2 weeks!) done and then referred me to the biopsy on the Oncology. It was a slightly unpleasant procedue, that disrupted the lymph node - it's been tender and swollen all day, but is slowly getting better. The good news is that the lymph node doesn't hurt as much as it did in the beginning, although it has hardly shrunk in the period of two weeks.
The results of the biopsy should be in by Wednesday, but I'm only going to find out on Friday, when I have the next appointment with my dentist.
I feel well, although I had a tiny cold earlier this week (severely inflamed neck lymph nodes) and I'm cold constantly. All in all, I'm trying to think that the biopsy was only a precautionary measure and that all will be allright.(And if it's not - I'll deal with it, I'll fight it.)
Look at me - speaking of being ill all the time, just like old people do! Must hold back a bit... ;)
Thanks for your concern, it really gives me a warm, feel-good feeling.
Lilit said...
I hope things will turn out all right. I'm sure you'll be fine in the end.
ps. I just saw in your profile - favourite movies - In the mood for love - Wong Kar Wai's?
Nadezhda said...
Yes, Lilit, the very same. Have you seen it? What did you think of it?
jin said...
I do hope everything will turn allright for you. Take care:)
Anonymous said...
I suspect a bug is hatching under your skin. But worry not, you'll be OK when it bursts out.
And no, I didn't watch Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan or Alien or The Mummy (Is it part 1 or 2 that involves bugs under the skin? I've had the bad fortune of seeing both, but the memory is blissfully hazy.) or anything like that recently. The idea just came out of the blue and I couldn't resist letting you know. ;-)
Anonymous said...
For what it's worht, in medicine, words ending in -itis mean something is inflammed. These nodes are one of the first battlegrounds where our bodies offer resistance to pathogens.
Nadezhda said...
Jin and Mitja - thanks! I finally have good news (I hope!): the bump is getting progressively smaller. It might be that the stressful period is over, it might have to do with biopsy or something else entirely. It hardly changed its size in two weeks (it is almost three weeks now), but now it's smaller every day.
Romunov - thanks for your input. Being a medicine student I did already know what you wrote, but it never hurts to be reminded of certain things. I wasn't so afraid of the inflammation per se, but of the fact that it was particularly painful (even to light touch), the whole area swollen and that it's not a place where my lymph nodes (usually) get swollen. The inflammation was also unilateral and for quite some time limited to only that lymph node. As already said: I think it's bound to be over soon now.
Lilit said...
When my immune system drops, the lymph nodes that swell are usually those in the jaw... I'm glad it's getting smaller, I hope it was just a great fright and nothing else!
In the mood for love impressed me immensely. Though the story made me very sad, everything else - the wonderful music, her clothes, the photography, the acting... a great piece of art!
Nadezhda said...
In the mood for love boasts a wonderful story. I like how they managed to develop it, how they managed to show that in troubled times one will attach to almost whom-ever. It is a simple story about two people who had nothing else in common but their cheating partners and yet the love story, their longing for someone who won't wound them, who will stay, is almost palpable.
The scenery, photography, camera work and music all add significantly to the perfection of the final product.
Anonymous said...
I expected you'd give us some news about the bump. Anyway, I hope it is gone and that everything is fine.
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